Monday, January 2, 2012

I am engaged. Love. Love. Love.

Is anyone still getting on this blog since me, myself and I don't POST in a very loooonnngggg time. Unexspeptable if you ask me. 
BUT read on because i do have some casual yet life changing updates!
Hmmmm, where to start... 
1- I. Am. Engaged to Ryan Richard Massey. AHHhh.. my lover. Yes i am as excited as you are!
2- Moving to Las Vegas Nevada on January 9, 2012. 
3- Christmas with the Fam Bam. 
4- I love Pickles.
5- Listening to country music ALL the time, i don't know what has gotten into me. 
6- Trying to grow my hair out, UGH!
7- Okay okay lets get to the nitty gritty aka the important things of these 6 facts.
Lets start with 2 first - I was offered a management position in Las Vegas Nevada with Del Sol, managing there sister store Cariloha in Mandalay Bay. Starting January 9, 2012 until May 2012. I cant wait to head down there and see what i can do with that store, and to have the manager responsibilities to learn and grow and add this experience to my life story. 
Time for 1 now- Yes i am engaged to Ryan Massey. We have been dating for 4 and a half months and we have been happier then ever. You know when people say " The Rest is History"?? Let me tell you some history on Ryan and I. Ryan and myself went threw a little of high school together. Me playing softball for 4 years and Ryan playing Baseball for 4 years we passed each other I'm sure numerous times heading to practice or games, never noticing each other much at all. Well then life went on! Ryan graduated high school  went and accomplished a big chapter in his life serving a LDS mission for the Lord for 2 years in Sierra Leone and Liberia in Africa. I went on doing my thing, me graduating and snagging a job with Del Sol summer of 2010. I went to California and Key West and later moving back home in August 2011. Ryan and I are almost 2 years apart exactly. Ryan had returned home from his his mission in August 2011 as well. ANNNDDDD the rest is HISTORY, okay okay not yet. I came home and started attending Institute and we all know were freshly returned missionary's go... institute too! Well there Ryan and I "Officially" met. He asked me on our first date September 17th. I couldn't let him go after that. Until you all reading this meet Ryan, hes a pretty amazing person. I started thinking about growing old with him a month after being with him. We have done alot of things together the last couple months. ANnnnddd now the rest is History! Ryan asked me to marry him the morning of December 30, 2011. We went and watched the sun rise at Qual Lake, we talked and enjoyed every minute of that morning together. It was beautiful watching the sun rise over the lake, with nice crisp fresh air. We skipped a few rocks that morning, and as we were about to leave Ryan says Lets skip one more rock. As we both went down to grab a rock i came up Ryan stayed down on one knee with a box in his hand. He Proposed!! And me being a quite pathetic said Yes Yes of course before Ryan even said all he wanted to say. I just wanted him to get up so i could hug and kiss him. It was so unexpected! We both are very happy and cant wait for the day that we get hitched and marry for eternity. Ryan is an amazing person with an outstanding Testimony of this Gospel. We are planning on getting married the end of May or first of June. Lets just say Ryan and i are not looking forward to being so far apart from each other for our engagement, but defiantly looking forward to the times we can spent forever together. 
Annddd 4, 5, and 6 are enough said. 
Stay connected for all the Vegas updates and me and  Ryan doing our best to see each other as often as possible, and planning the wedding of a lifetime!