Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 10, 2011

Do you ever get lost in your thoughts of what a "perfect" day is to you?
I feel that thoughts of a perfect day can change based on where you are at in life.
Age. Location. Friends. Job. Family. Weather.
Today may have been that "Perfect" day for me based on my souroundings right now.
Jenessa, Lou, Christopher, and I all hung out tonight.
Christopher is in the United States Coast Guard. He definantly holds a very big position. He deals with alot of Radar Screens and things like that. 
Chris took us onto the navy base to go to a pier that overlooks the ocean and just has amazing views all the way around! We pull up and there was one of the Coast Guard SHIPS docked at the pier!
The ship had recently pulled in a few days ago from being out at sea for a period of time. Best part of it all. Chris was able to take us on the SHIP and show us around! It was NUTS! It is not Chris's ship he normally goes out on but he has gone out on it before. It was litterally the coolest thing ever! 
We got to go to the top, up and down tiny little hallways, the man control center in the front where the Captain sits, we got to stand out on some of the lookout stands. 
We also had the opportunity to watch them lower the American Flag on the ship... the flag gets lowered on all the ships at sunset, and again get raised at 8 A.M. every morning
It was amazing. 
I never expected to see what i did. 
To even get a little glimps of what it means to be in the Coast Guard makes me soo grateful for the Men and Woman that hold those positions. 
Ill remember those moments. Forever
Laatter... after we had left the peir it started raining SOO bad! Buckets of water everywhere. 
What do you think we did!??
We HAD to run around in it! We went to a baseball Field/ Soccer field and off in the rain we went! We were Soaked. Head to Toe. After having some fun in the rain we then went home switched into some dry clothes and made some yesss... Banana Pancakes! ( Playing some Jackie Johnson )

Good. Good. Day!

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