Monday, August 22, 2011

Closing "Summer" Chapter.

What is this place we all call earth, Its a beautiful place isn't it? We may not know all about it or what it has to offer exactly but we sure do have a lifetime to find out.
I caught my plane out of key west Florida on Saturday Aug 20th to make it home for the Fall. I remember when i first moved to Florida looking out the plane window as i was landing thinking where the heck am i.
Hellooo TINY island! What??
I had many thoughts in my head at that point.
 Who knew i would be flying out on a 8:20 flight 3 months later with watery eyes and a smile on my face thinking I'M GOING TO MISS THISS ISLAND!! I didn't even know there would be anything to miss when i first arrived. (Never place a judgment on something you have nothing to compare it to ) You got me Key West home of the CONCHS! Props to you. I will miss you. Ive had a great experience! My top 3 favs of key west aarreee...

1. People- Id always try to find people that call themselves CONCHS, which means they had been born and raised in Key west. Come to find out. Conchs are very far and in between. The people in key west are very different. in a GOOD way. Each individual has there own story, literally. Not alot of people are actually from Key West come to find out.

2. Restaurants, Bars, Food- Mmm yes. The Food! The Desserts. I literally think i gained 10 pounds living here. One of my favorite restaurants was called "Better than Sex" it was an all dessert restaurant open from 6pm-12am. Veryy romantic. All there desert names were Sexual. Funniest thing ever. If any of you ever go to Key West make the time to go to Better Than Sex with your Love or Girl Friends. And keep your recipe it will make you laugh.

3. Christopher Castillo- Chris and I started dating about a month and a half before i moved. When Chris and I both knew for ourselves how much we really were into each other, we were nervous to let it continue knowing i would be leaving and we would be miles apart. But we also didn't want to be with out each other NO MATTER how far we are from each other. I know Chris is one of the reason i felt so good about moving to Key West. We have had a BLAST together. He is the best boyfriend. Supportive in so much of what i do, but he still lets me be independent! And for any of you that know me, that's a must. :] I'm lucky to have him... What can i say I'm INTO him!

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