Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cause this is Thriller! Thriller night. Dun. Dun. Dun.

Thriller at Tuacahn 2011
Music. Dancing. Costumes. Smiles. Screaming. Lights. Laughing.

Ryan and I went and saw this show the other night. It was WAY good! Such great dancing, costumes, music, everything. It was very well put together! We both hadn't been to Tuacahn in a long time, Ryan hadn't been since before his mission, and i haven't been in about 2 years as well so it was nice to be able to see something there again, the Venue at Tuacahn is nothing like anything else! We really do live in a Beautiful part of Utah. We had a great time, especially trying to become friends with the zombiesss. Before the show started Ryan went to the bathroom so i was standing outside with everyone else waiting to walk into the actual theater, and i was standing there grabbing out my camera and all of the sudden i feel breathing on me/my back and i turned around and there was a zombie just chillin practically on mee. Oh. My. Heck. It scared me SOO bad. I got so scared that my first thought was i wanted to hit the zombie. Lol! I watched my back from then on, even when i was with Ryan.

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