Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Half Marathon, October 29, 2011

Trained. Trained. Trained. And the race finally came!
I concurred running 13.1 Miles. The race began 9 a.m. at the top of Provo canyon, the trail was mostly downhill or flat with a few up hill jaunts. It was pretty cold at the start of the race but at about mile 3 i felt warmed up. The trail was beautiful and wayy fun to run! I hope to run this race again next year. I finished about 15 minutes under my goal with a 2:20!! Not to bad. I cant wait for the next Half Marathon or Marathon in the near future. Having goals to run races has been alot of fun. Having goals and following threw and reaching those goals adds to your life story and journey!
L.O.V.E.  I.T.

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