Sunday, September 4, 2011

A little live music on a Saturday night.

The girls and I headed down to the Electric Theater for some refreshing LIVE music! Kalai was who we were waiting for all night but we did get some of the best opening bands!
Jake Probert, Lyndy Butler, and Allred!
Allred Rocked! Definantly getting somemore of there new music on the pod.
And then KALAI finally came on the stage! Kalai is Samoan from Hawaii, and has recently moved to SLC Utah. Has been playing the guitar for a long time. So talented with an amazing vioce! He made the night fully complete!
Check out Kalai!
Some of my favorite songs are:
Divide Me
The Onlyest Thing
Fear Not the Wild Things
On My Mind
With Eyes Closed

 Lyndy Butler
 The girls

 um, I dont know who that guy is. He kept wanting to get in the pictures. Boooo.

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