Sunday, November 20, 2011

A road less traveled.

Com-fort,  A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. Zone, an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions. Do you ever feel that you may be at a state of physical ease in your everyday lives? You may be stressed, have alot going on, but yet your at ease. Do you ever feel a stretch in your everyday Zones? IF yes, why? IF no, why not? This has been on my mind alot, almost all the time. I have been home from Key West for 3 months today. Back in my home town, my home, my family, driving familiar roads, eating at familiar restaurants.. I'm living in my "Comfort", and for those of you that truly know me you will know this has been very difficult for me. I'm a pretty independent and adventurous person and absolutely thrive to experience New things. Stepping out of my comfort zone is something i purposefully couldn't think twice about, even if i tried. I'm grateful for California and Key West where i have been able to experience running those fresh new streets. I hope 5 years from now i have alot more on my list that i have grasped and experienced! If you cant start big my broadening your Comfort Zones, start little, i promise there is something you will learn and grow from every time!

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