Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weekend with Ryan Massey.

Bags. Pillows. Car. Music. Candy. Food. Marathon. Utah Game. Family. Directions. BBQ.
Ryan and I took a road trip up north to Provo area where we spent 3 nights. This is what our weekend consisted of...
Friday- Get on the road. Get Ryan a ice cream cone on the way, as i went potty. :] We went straight to the Provo Mall where i had to pick up my packet for the Halloween Half Marathon that i was running on Saturday. After picking up the packet we went and watched the most depressing world series game e.v.e.r at Ryans pops house in American Fork. After his Pops we went Alpine where we were staying for the weekend! We stayed with really good family friends of mine the Bishops home. They have a beautiful home in Alpine Utah. We went straight to bed when we got there so we would have enough fuel for the big 13.1 mile run in less then 12 hours!!
Saturday- Alarm clocks went off bright and too earlyyy. Okay not necessarily bright, it was rather dark. We got ready to go and headed out. At blessed 5:30 A.M. The Race went down the Provo Canyon, so they were shuttling bus"s from the bottom of the Canyon up to the start of the race from 5:45-6:45 and the race began at 9 A.M. Well, there was just a blow of confusion in the air because Ryan and I could not figure out where these bus's were picking up from the directions that i had! After driving around for a good while we decided to just head up the canyon and hope for the best. We ended up finding where the start was eventually! Ryan dropped me off as i headed off with all the other athletes getting ready for the big 13.1 mile run! They had HUGE football size tents up for all of us to try to stay warm, it was freezing regardless how many people we had crammed in there. 9 o'clock finally hit and off with the shot of the gun we ran, we ran for hours. Lol. The course was beautiful! I kept the pace i wanted the whole way, i finally came into the finish line with a 2:18! Feeling really pretty good. I was sore and felt like i could sleep for hours but it was a great race! October 29th i checked off Half Marathon on my Bucket list! Hallllerrrr. After the race Justin Melissa and there kids, Ryan and I , and Trenton and 2 of his roommates all went to grub at a Mexican restaurant in Provo. After lunch Ryan and I went back to the house we were staying at for me to shower and get clean and ready, we then headed up to SLC to go to the UTAH game at the U. We bought tickets from a guy right outside of the stadium. We had a blast! After the game we went and spent sometime at Justin and Melissa's up in the Avenues of SLC. 
Sunday- Ryan and I slept in as much as we could and then attended a singles ward sacrament, it was the first time Ryan and I had ever been to church together. It was nice sitting my a Handsome Ryan Massey knowing he was mine. After Sacrament we went over to Ryans Uncles house for a family BBQ, in American Fork. Ryans Pop Richard, Lauri and there 4 kids came over. Ryans Sister Alyse came from SLC. It was alot of fun to hang and be with his family. We ate dinner and later carved Pumpkins with all the kids. Family time is alot of fun and always needed. I was awesome getting to know Ryans family a little better. 
Monday- Took a little 3 mile jont around the neighborhood with Ryan in the A.M. It felt good to get out and run. We then packed up went to breakfast and did a few more errands and said goodbye to some family and friends and headed home to St George. 

We both had a great weekend together. I love being with Ryan no matter what we are doing. The weekend was a success!

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