Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Posted Everywhere in Key West.

"Key West, once you have ruined your reputation, you can live your life quite freely."
This is posted in a ton of restaurants, on cups, shirts, ect. Its Nuuttss!! Makes me Smile.

Sunset Key.

My friend Schelyce turned the big "Two One" on Monday... We went and had lunch and drinks at Sunset Key. A little island south of Key West. More Picutres up sooon... It was a beautiful day!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Blast from the past.

Thinking about this State today.


La la la la.. La la la! I'm going at it tonight! Theres a party at the roof top, top of the world. I decided to head out for a great night, solo. We all need that solo time in order to keep somewhat sane.. I put on a very respectable outfit, with a titch of make-up and out the door i went for my evening out. I started by going to one of the tallest hotels in Key West to watch the sunset with a live

band. With music and dancing i got lost in my own world, the sunset was beautiful. Lots of people to share the moment with! After the sunset i went to a movie at a really retro theater here in Key West called the " Tropic Theater ". As i was walking out after the movie the streets were soaked! It was Pouring Rain! Of course knowing me and how much i love rain storms i was in heaven. As i looked twice at what i was wearing and how i was dressed up, i thought i cant lose this moment. I UN buckled my shoes, and barefoot i went straight into the pouring rain. It was the best moment ever. Warm rain in the summer is absolutely Priceless! I walked Duval for a good while and over to the Pier, peoples face expressions were cracking me up, its like they have never seen a girl dressed up walking in the rain storm getting drenched. It was worth every minute.... My night.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bahia Honda, Beach.

Our branch bbq. I must say, they had greeaattt foood!
Alot of young family's and there children, definantly not my nieces and nephews, but they sure can be just as fun... Bahia Honda is about 40 minutes up the Florida Keys!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011



       Birthday dinner for a friend
          here in Key West!
            Gooood Food!

1/3 of the way.

Running the roads to Rock Music in UT, thoughts of all kind in my mind. Feeling a little out of place... That was ME 1 month ago. I had left a place i Absolutly loved, packed my things with a bittersweet attitude i said goodbye to my Del Sol family, my best friend Robin, to the streets i ran so often on, to the Lake id lose myself in the morning watching the sunset as i Kayaked, to my favorite local girls, to the people, and to the memories. California came to an end for then..
 As i went home for a week to repack and spend some time with my family and friends. Going for my morning Jont in Utah feeling out of place as i was trying to officially close my chapter and start looking forward to the Florida Keys.. Well here i am One month into my Key West journey. I wouldnt say i "love it". But i do enjoy it. Work here is not nearly the same. Our team has had there ups and there downs, with alot to learn for everyone!
 Resturants here are great, and goooood! Sunrises/Sunsets are amazing. End of story on that! Water sports are fun (Depending on which ones you do.) Its funny to see some of the girls that i work with get Soo excited about the beach, and water... Makes me laugh!
 I am 1/3 of the way through my journey here in the Florida Keys. Have some trips planned with some friends here in the next 2 months... Bring on my 2/3 rds!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Friends. Timing. Reasons.

[The Unexpected]... the first weeek i had in key west getting settled with roommates, the city, and the area. I was told that there was going to be a Local Employee working for my company and that she was an old Intern in Key West.. I thought Hmm. I wonder who it was going to be.
My roommates and I all had plans to go out for dessert, well that night i met the "Local Employee" Her name is Schelyce. Schelyce had actually trained with me at Corporate in Aug 2010. As i went off to Solvang, she came to Key West.
Schelyce met the man of her dreams while she interned in Key West. She slowly but surely found out she couldn't live with out him. His name is Yossi (Joe). Joe and Schelyce have recently gotten married and have moved into there first home together here in Key West... We were SHOCKED to see each other that night. We talked for awhile and got caught up on alot of things. We have talked and have seen each other almost every day since...
Schelyce and I worked the morning shift today together, had lunch and went and got Mani/Pedis. We express how grateful we are for each other often, and that we can meet at this time in our life, where we have a big journey ahead of us, but to enjoy our time together whatever our time consists of.

 I adore this girl, I'm more than grateful for Friends.. Timing.. and Reasons.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day.

Dear Pop, Happy Fathers Day to you. What a special day today is. I just want you to know how very grateful i am for you! You can always put a smile on your girls face. You are a light in my life. You know how to have fun and you know how to be serious. I can not wait until the day comes where you will one day be playing with my children like you do with Justin and Coles. They literally have the best Gramps ever. I love you Dad.

Jet Ski tour of Key West, 26 miles.

Took us 2 hours to tour our little island of Key West on a JET SKI! I got to learn a few more history facts of this place as well as enjoy the Water! Itss NUTS how Salty the water is here... We were about 30 minutes into our ride and i rubbed my hand against my face, felt like i had literally gotten sand thrown onto my wet face... NOPE it was Salt! I'm starting to enjoy this island a little more each day.

 Me, Jennessa (The Birthday Girl), and Joanna.

 Why havent we left yet?! Well, in the mean time, SMILE!

 Sand Bar!!

Our guide for the day, Ben. Couldnt stop laughing at how short he looks compared to us. But he did give us a good time! Thhaaannnkk Yoouuu.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

No transportation, Yes!

As i moved to the Florida Keys all i could think about was how Stoked i was to not have to have a car! Considering the Island i live on is 6 miles long, and 2 1/2 miles wide. 1st thing i bought in Key West was a BIKE! As new weeks have been approaching i am realizing how hot it is actually getting, as well as Humid! I feel like by the time i get to work I'm pretty much wet almost everywhere, good thing I'm sporting the short hair, no one will ever know! :] 
There is this great resort right by my apartment called the "Double Tree Resort" and they have a shuttle that goes into downtown every hour. So i normally ride that if i am working a night shift.. Well its the funniest thing, there is this Driver his name is Eddie, he is I'm guessing mid-50s. Great Great guy! I try to ride whenever he is working, literally if i see him driving up i am yelling "YESS (in my head with a smile on my face!)". Every time he drives hes got Oldies Music playing to the point where you can still converse with the people next to you, or totally just Jam Out! Its the BEST! On my ride home last night we got the privilege to hear some Elvis Presley, carpenters, and some Beatles! Lets just say.. I'm in my own world when i ride with Eddie! Thanks man. 
One thing i love about my bike, is getting fresh air in the AM riding to work as well as being able to really enjoy Key West's beauty, along with the water. Who knows i may never be able to capture the moments I'm having on my rides here anywhere else. I'm taking it for what it is! And LOVING my bike! Great workout as well. 
Not having Transportation right by my side is actually really nice! Not having to worry about the darn oil changes, check ups, rotating of tires, Blah Blah Blah.... I pass by an Auto Repair now, and just SMILE! My world is a little different not having my necessities right by my side... You should try it. Ive got 3 months of this. I cant wait to see how my gratitude has changed for Cars/Transportation in my every day life. 
Check out the Island! Its NUTTS!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Florida Keys. Key West to be exact!

I made the MOVE! Summer 2011 in Key West. NUTS! As i was packing my "Bag" Literally one bag to make the move, i was thinking..wow, Ive got a many miles ahead of me. Only being able to check One bag on the plane, because key west is a very small airport. It was a rather good thing.. "good" being that i got to learn to really Squeeze fold every which way i could to get every last piece of clothing, favorites, and shoes in the bloody ONE bag! Eye eye eye. All in all i made it on the plane and off i went to the Florida Keys.
As i was looking threw the window descending into Key West all i could think about was... This is my new home. Am i really going to be living here. This is NOT a vacation. Wow look how small the island is. The water is so blue. Crraaazzzyy. I cant wait to go running. I want a drink... eventually we landed on the cool little island, i stepped off the plane with Humidity showering me with its L.O.V. E. I grabbed my bag and off to the apartment i went! I then met my Roommates, did dinner and the journey began!

 In the AIR!

 Some of the Island!

 ... Key West, enjoy.
 My roomates and I at the LDS Church.
 Every night in downtown they have what they call "SUNSET CELEBRATION" People gather together on the pier to watch the sunset. There are always bands, local vendors, performers. Its a very sweet and fun atmosphere!
 Birrrfffdayyy Girl Dano!
 Left to Right: Erika, Jennessa, Danielle, Joanna, ME, and Chris. My girls for the summmer!

 Morning Breakfast at "Blue Waters" JUNGLE JUNGLE JUNGLE! Wayy good food.
 BETTER THAN SEX! Heellll Yeah!
 This is a very unique restaurant to Key West. Its an all "Desert" Restaurant. Very Romantic, everything that is on there menu has somesort of name with sexual context. Robin and I are going to Open one of these in Solvang one day. It will be the best place in the Valley! Great place to go for a girls night out!

 Ohh how i missed you BIKRAM! Didn't take me long to find a studio here in Key West! With a great Instructor!
 Welcome to Cariloha... My Work!

Everything is made out of Bamboo. Did you know Bamboo is 3 Degrees cooler than cotton, yet 3 times as soft as cotton?? Its Incredible. :] If you have any sell pitches on Bamboo, let me know!

Reason behind blog name.

"Blog" names are to represent what you are blogging about whether it be, your crafts, family, cars, or yourself. We can all Imagine, we can all Dream, and we can all Journey Right?? Right. Since this Blog is apart of my personal Journal, i will share my Journeys in pictures as well as words!