Saturday, June 25, 2011

1/3 of the way.

Running the roads to Rock Music in UT, thoughts of all kind in my mind. Feeling a little out of place... That was ME 1 month ago. I had left a place i Absolutly loved, packed my things with a bittersweet attitude i said goodbye to my Del Sol family, my best friend Robin, to the streets i ran so often on, to the Lake id lose myself in the morning watching the sunset as i Kayaked, to my favorite local girls, to the people, and to the memories. California came to an end for then..
 As i went home for a week to repack and spend some time with my family and friends. Going for my morning Jont in Utah feeling out of place as i was trying to officially close my chapter and start looking forward to the Florida Keys.. Well here i am One month into my Key West journey. I wouldnt say i "love it". But i do enjoy it. Work here is not nearly the same. Our team has had there ups and there downs, with alot to learn for everyone!
 Resturants here are great, and goooood! Sunrises/Sunsets are amazing. End of story on that! Water sports are fun (Depending on which ones you do.) Its funny to see some of the girls that i work with get Soo excited about the beach, and water... Makes me laugh!
 I am 1/3 of the way through my journey here in the Florida Keys. Have some trips planned with some friends here in the next 2 months... Bring on my 2/3 rds!!

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