Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jet Ski tour of Key West, 26 miles.

Took us 2 hours to tour our little island of Key West on a JET SKI! I got to learn a few more history facts of this place as well as enjoy the Water! Itss NUTS how Salty the water is here... We were about 30 minutes into our ride and i rubbed my hand against my face, felt like i had literally gotten sand thrown onto my wet face... NOPE it was Salt! I'm starting to enjoy this island a little more each day.

 Me, Jennessa (The Birthday Girl), and Joanna.

 Why havent we left yet?! Well, in the mean time, SMILE!

 Sand Bar!!

Our guide for the day, Ben. Couldnt stop laughing at how short he looks compared to us. But he did give us a good time! Thhaaannnkk Yoouuu.

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