Friday, June 17, 2011

Florida Keys. Key West to be exact!

I made the MOVE! Summer 2011 in Key West. NUTS! As i was packing my "Bag" Literally one bag to make the move, i was, Ive got a many miles ahead of me. Only being able to check One bag on the plane, because key west is a very small airport. It was a rather good thing.. "good" being that i got to learn to really Squeeze fold every which way i could to get every last piece of clothing, favorites, and shoes in the bloody ONE bag! Eye eye eye. All in all i made it on the plane and off i went to the Florida Keys.
As i was looking threw the window descending into Key West all i could think about was... This is my new home. Am i really going to be living here. This is NOT a vacation. Wow look how small the island is. The water is so blue. Crraaazzzyy. I cant wait to go running. I want a drink... eventually we landed on the cool little island, i stepped off the plane with Humidity showering me with its L.O.V. E. I grabbed my bag and off to the apartment i went! I then met my Roommates, did dinner and the journey began!

 In the AIR!

 Some of the Island!

 ... Key West, enjoy.
 My roomates and I at the LDS Church.
 Every night in downtown they have what they call "SUNSET CELEBRATION" People gather together on the pier to watch the sunset. There are always bands, local vendors, performers. Its a very sweet and fun atmosphere!
 Birrrfffdayyy Girl Dano!
 Left to Right: Erika, Jennessa, Danielle, Joanna, ME, and Chris. My girls for the summmer!

 Morning Breakfast at "Blue Waters" JUNGLE JUNGLE JUNGLE! Wayy good food.
 BETTER THAN SEX! Heellll Yeah!
 This is a very unique restaurant to Key West. Its an all "Desert" Restaurant. Very Romantic, everything that is on there menu has somesort of name with sexual context. Robin and I are going to Open one of these in Solvang one day. It will be the best place in the Valley! Great place to go for a girls night out!

 Ohh how i missed you BIKRAM! Didn't take me long to find a studio here in Key West! With a great Instructor!
 Welcome to Cariloha... My Work!

Everything is made out of Bamboo. Did you know Bamboo is 3 Degrees cooler than cotton, yet 3 times as soft as cotton?? Its Incredible. :] If you have any sell pitches on Bamboo, let me know!

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