Sunday, November 20, 2011

A road less traveled.

Com-fort,  A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. Zone, an area or stretch of land having a particular characteristic purpose, or use, or subject to particular restrictions. Do you ever feel that you may be at a state of physical ease in your everyday lives? You may be stressed, have alot going on, but yet your at ease. Do you ever feel a stretch in your everyday Zones? IF yes, why? IF no, why not? This has been on my mind alot, almost all the time. I have been home from Key West for 3 months today. Back in my home town, my home, my family, driving familiar roads, eating at familiar restaurants.. I'm living in my "Comfort", and for those of you that truly know me you will know this has been very difficult for me. I'm a pretty independent and adventurous person and absolutely thrive to experience New things. Stepping out of my comfort zone is something i purposefully couldn't think twice about, even if i tried. I'm grateful for California and Key West where i have been able to experience running those fresh new streets. I hope 5 years from now i have alot more on my list that i have grasped and experienced! If you cant start big my broadening your Comfort Zones, start little, i promise there is something you will learn and grow from every time!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weekend with Ryan Massey.

Bags. Pillows. Car. Music. Candy. Food. Marathon. Utah Game. Family. Directions. BBQ.
Ryan and I took a road trip up north to Provo area where we spent 3 nights. This is what our weekend consisted of...
Friday- Get on the road. Get Ryan a ice cream cone on the way, as i went potty. :] We went straight to the Provo Mall where i had to pick up my packet for the Halloween Half Marathon that i was running on Saturday. After picking up the packet we went and watched the most depressing world series game e.v.e.r at Ryans pops house in American Fork. After his Pops we went Alpine where we were staying for the weekend! We stayed with really good family friends of mine the Bishops home. They have a beautiful home in Alpine Utah. We went straight to bed when we got there so we would have enough fuel for the big 13.1 mile run in less then 12 hours!!
Saturday- Alarm clocks went off bright and too earlyyy. Okay not necessarily bright, it was rather dark. We got ready to go and headed out. At blessed 5:30 A.M. The Race went down the Provo Canyon, so they were shuttling bus"s from the bottom of the Canyon up to the start of the race from 5:45-6:45 and the race began at 9 A.M. Well, there was just a blow of confusion in the air because Ryan and I could not figure out where these bus's were picking up from the directions that i had! After driving around for a good while we decided to just head up the canyon and hope for the best. We ended up finding where the start was eventually! Ryan dropped me off as i headed off with all the other athletes getting ready for the big 13.1 mile run! They had HUGE football size tents up for all of us to try to stay warm, it was freezing regardless how many people we had crammed in there. 9 o'clock finally hit and off with the shot of the gun we ran, we ran for hours. Lol. The course was beautiful! I kept the pace i wanted the whole way, i finally came into the finish line with a 2:18! Feeling really pretty good. I was sore and felt like i could sleep for hours but it was a great race! October 29th i checked off Half Marathon on my Bucket list! Hallllerrrr. After the race Justin Melissa and there kids, Ryan and I , and Trenton and 2 of his roommates all went to grub at a Mexican restaurant in Provo. After lunch Ryan and I went back to the house we were staying at for me to shower and get clean and ready, we then headed up to SLC to go to the UTAH game at the U. We bought tickets from a guy right outside of the stadium. We had a blast! After the game we went and spent sometime at Justin and Melissa's up in the Avenues of SLC. 
Sunday- Ryan and I slept in as much as we could and then attended a singles ward sacrament, it was the first time Ryan and I had ever been to church together. It was nice sitting my a Handsome Ryan Massey knowing he was mine. After Sacrament we went over to Ryans Uncles house for a family BBQ, in American Fork. Ryans Pop Richard, Lauri and there 4 kids came over. Ryans Sister Alyse came from SLC. It was alot of fun to hang and be with his family. We ate dinner and later carved Pumpkins with all the kids. Family time is alot of fun and always needed. I was awesome getting to know Ryans family a little better. 
Monday- Took a little 3 mile jont around the neighborhood with Ryan in the A.M. It felt good to get out and run. We then packed up went to breakfast and did a few more errands and said goodbye to some family and friends and headed home to St George. 

We both had a great weekend together. I love being with Ryan no matter what we are doing. The weekend was a success!

Customers Only - Portlandia on IFC

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Half Marathon, October 29, 2011

Trained. Trained. Trained. And the race finally came!
I concurred running 13.1 Miles. The race began 9 a.m. at the top of Provo canyon, the trail was mostly downhill or flat with a few up hill jaunts. It was pretty cold at the start of the race but at about mile 3 i felt warmed up. The trail was beautiful and wayy fun to run! I hope to run this race again next year. I finished about 15 minutes under my goal with a 2:20!! Not to bad. I cant wait for the next Half Marathon or Marathon in the near future. Having goals to run races has been alot of fun. Having goals and following threw and reaching those goals adds to your life story and journey!
L.O.V.E.  I.T.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cause this is Thriller! Thriller night. Dun. Dun. Dun.

Thriller at Tuacahn 2011
Music. Dancing. Costumes. Smiles. Screaming. Lights. Laughing.

Ryan and I went and saw this show the other night. It was WAY good! Such great dancing, costumes, music, everything. It was very well put together! We both hadn't been to Tuacahn in a long time, Ryan hadn't been since before his mission, and i haven't been in about 2 years as well so it was nice to be able to see something there again, the Venue at Tuacahn is nothing like anything else! We really do live in a Beautiful part of Utah. We had a great time, especially trying to become friends with the zombiesss. Before the show started Ryan went to the bathroom so i was standing outside with everyone else waiting to walk into the actual theater, and i was standing there grabbing out my camera and all of the sudden i feel breathing on me/my back and i turned around and there was a zombie just chillin practically on mee. Oh. My. Heck. It scared me SOO bad. I got so scared that my first thought was i wanted to hit the zombie. Lol! I watched my back from then on, even when i was with Ryan.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday October 7, 2011

Las Vegas Neveda. Road Trip. Laughs. Smiles. Storys. Music. Ryan.
Temple Recommends. Temple. Dinner. Lights. Fall.

Friday Ryan and I headed to Vegas to do Baptisms for the Dead in the Temple. We both had never been to that temple before so it was new to the both of us. We were only able to do 15 Baptisms, but it was was enough for us we were excited just to be there. Ryan being Endowed was able to do the baptisms, yes he dunked me. Im grateful for worthy friends and a boy like Ryan that holds true to the Priestood and Responsiblities he holds. That we could both enter the house of the Lord unashamed. After baptisms we went and had dinner. Literally tooks us 1 hour to find and decide where we were going to eat! All i have to say is DONT rely on a GPS to get you to the resturant you are wanting. It DOESNT work. :] All in all we ended up at the Cannery Casino for dinner. BUT the best part is this story... We decided to eat at a Italian Resturant inside the Casino. So we had been sitting for about 10 minutes when Ryan notices this older man being seated alone. Ryan and i were both a little confused trying to figure out if someone was meeting him at the Resturant or if he was going to be eating alone. Ryan looked at me and asked should we invite him to join us for dinner?! I was kinda blown away at Ryans thought, and i said Of course, thats a great idea! I walked over to the man a few minutes later and asked if he had someone meeting him for dinner, he told me he didnt. So i then asked if he would like to join us for dinner tonight or if he needed alone time? He answered, that is very very nice of you guys but i would like to have some alone time, thank you very much for the offer. I told him, not a problem and went and sat back down with Ryan... Ryan and I ate dinner and as we were finishing up out Waitress came to our table and told us that our Bill for dinner was taken care of! We were a little confused. Ryan and i glanced over at the man we invited to sit with us and we just smiled. That handsome older man took care of our dinner! We both were BLOWN away. Ryan and i walked over and thanked him before we left.

There are great people out there in the world. Ryan and i were very
grateful, and we will do our part and pay it forward!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

St. George Marathon 2011.

A big shout out to T-Rent Blair and Kalen Thomas for running the
 St. George Marathon! Both running it in under 4 hours!! 

Runners. Family's. Cheering. Music. Signs. Motivation. Food. Water. 

There were so many people everywhere cheering there husbands, wife's, dads, moms, brothers, sisters, family on! Ive got to hand it to all the finishers in running this year! Its a long race and takes lots of training and preparation. Wayyy to go! 

Especially Trent and Kalen, you ROCKED! Great job boys. :]

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Me from a to z.

A. age: 19

B. bed size: Queen, just the right size.

C. chore i hate: ugh, dusting!

D. dreams: Travel and experience as much of the World as possible.

E. essential start of my day: Knowing what i need to accomplish that day!

F. favorite color: Turquoise of course

G. gold or silver: SILVER!

H. height: 5'10

I. instruments i play: ... trash can.

J. job title: Barista!!

K. kids: 2 kids, boy and girl.

L. live: in Utah.

M. maiden name: Aka my current last name, Blair.

N. nicknames: timmi.. tim.. t.. m..

O. over night hospital stays: 5 days when i was first born.

P. pet peeve: sleeping threw my alarm. arrgg!

Q. quote: " the truth is, i would rather do nothing with you, than something with anybody else. You have become quite necessary to my delight." :]

R. righty or lefty: righty!

S. siblings: 4 older brothers..

T. time i wake up: Depends on the day, before 8 usually. I have some exceptions!

U. university attended: Haven't settled down long enough to attend anything.

V. vegetable i love: brockley and artichoke.

W. what makes me run late: talking, or waking up late.

X. xrays i have had: 3 stomach, ankle, hand.

Y. yummy food: cookie nookie from Key West "better than sex" restaurant.

Z. zoo animal favorite: zebra!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Its that time.

Anndd the emails begin.
Chris is going to be underway for about 2 months.
 Email is all we have to communicate with one another.
Remember to keep all the many people that serve
for our country and our freedoms in your prayers.

Coast Guard. Airforce. Navy. Marine Corps. Army.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 Always Remember.

House of Blues in Vegas.

La. La. La. La.
Lost myself in the music of Blue October at the House of Blues last night.

Band. Music. Lead Singer. Vibrations. Lights. Crowd's. Dancing. Yelling. Drinks. Smells. Loud. Live.

It was a great concert! I was SO ridiculously excited for Blue October. And they ROCKED the stage. They played for a full 2 hours! I met people that drove from L.A. and people that flew in from Philadelphia just for the Concert. They told me that after i see BO LIVE it will change me life forever? I'm not sure if it changed me LIFE, but i definitely enjoyed them! Apparently music does different things to different people. :]
There really is nothing like LIVE music. It takes you out of your normal element and gets you lost in the sound and words! Ahh its one of my most favorite things to do ever.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A little live music on a Saturday night.

The girls and I headed down to the Electric Theater for some refreshing LIVE music! Kalai was who we were waiting for all night but we did get some of the best opening bands!
Jake Probert, Lyndy Butler, and Allred!
Allred Rocked! Definantly getting somemore of there new music on the pod.
And then KALAI finally came on the stage! Kalai is Samoan from Hawaii, and has recently moved to SLC Utah. Has been playing the guitar for a long time. So talented with an amazing vioce! He made the night fully complete!
Check out Kalai!
Some of my favorite songs are:
Divide Me
The Onlyest Thing
Fear Not the Wild Things
On My Mind
With Eyes Closed

 Lyndy Butler
 The girls

 um, I dont know who that guy is. He kept wanting to get in the pictures. Boooo.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Stage 6 -Solvang Time Trial

A rad day i got to experience before i moved from the beautiful valley.
Biiiggg day for Solvang.
Sexy Bikers in there very tight spandex.
So much.
Robin got VIP tickets to the main tent, and of course i wouldnt let her take anyone else. We got to eat with some of the Cyclist, talk, mingle. The tent was right where they start each of the Time Trials. The town was packed! An event Solvang will never forget.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Help.

This might just be one of those "MUST SEE" that you put on your bucket list.
My mum and i went and saw it tonight! 
Yes.. Go buy your tickets right now take your wife, husband, boyfriend,
 girlfriend, friends, whatever, cause it was great!
Loved it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A girl has to have a hobby.

Ohh how i have missed this.

grab the Ink.
plug in the hot glue gun.
get the paper.
Making a mess.
Idea after Idea.

( 12 Rulers cut in half or 6 inches, and an embroidery hoop 5 1/2 inches )

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chuck Norris anyone?!

-When Chuck Norris wants a salad, he eats a vegetarian.
- Sometimes, while setting, the sun will linger just a few more minutes on the
 horizon to get one last look at Chuck Norris.
- It never rains on Chuck Norris.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Bring it on Europe.

Starting to save for the trip of a lifetime. 9 months!! 

Closing "Summer" Chapter.

What is this place we all call earth, Its a beautiful place isn't it? We may not know all about it or what it has to offer exactly but we sure do have a lifetime to find out.
I caught my plane out of key west Florida on Saturday Aug 20th to make it home for the Fall. I remember when i first moved to Florida looking out the plane window as i was landing thinking where the heck am i.
Hellooo TINY island! What??
I had many thoughts in my head at that point.
 Who knew i would be flying out on a 8:20 flight 3 months later with watery eyes and a smile on my face thinking I'M GOING TO MISS THISS ISLAND!! I didn't even know there would be anything to miss when i first arrived. (Never place a judgment on something you have nothing to compare it to ) You got me Key West home of the CONCHS! Props to you. I will miss you. Ive had a great experience! My top 3 favs of key west aarreee...

1. People- Id always try to find people that call themselves CONCHS, which means they had been born and raised in Key west. Come to find out. Conchs are very far and in between. The people in key west are very different. in a GOOD way. Each individual has there own story, literally. Not alot of people are actually from Key West come to find out.

2. Restaurants, Bars, Food- Mmm yes. The Food! The Desserts. I literally think i gained 10 pounds living here. One of my favorite restaurants was called "Better than Sex" it was an all dessert restaurant open from 6pm-12am. Veryy romantic. All there desert names were Sexual. Funniest thing ever. If any of you ever go to Key West make the time to go to Better Than Sex with your Love or Girl Friends. And keep your recipe it will make you laugh.

3. Christopher Castillo- Chris and I started dating about a month and a half before i moved. When Chris and I both knew for ourselves how much we really were into each other, we were nervous to let it continue knowing i would be leaving and we would be miles apart. But we also didn't want to be with out each other NO MATTER how far we are from each other. I know Chris is one of the reason i felt so good about moving to Key West. We have had a BLAST together. He is the best boyfriend. Supportive in so much of what i do, but he still lets me be independent! And for any of you that know me, that's a must. :] I'm lucky to have him... What can i say I'm INTO him!

My Thankful list. Take 20.

1. Food that gives me my energy everyday.
2. Weather, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring!
3. Scooter, Car, Transportaion.
4. Family.
5. Job.
6. Music that you can lose yourself in.
7. Eye Sight.
8. Healthy Body!
9. My Love.
10. Stars that remind you how beautiful this planet is.
11. Rain.
12. People. Personalities.
13. Airplanes that allow traveling!
14. Big Citys.
15. Concerts.
16. Memories... Memorie.
17. Camaras, to remember the good times.
18. Faith.
19. Kissing. Cuddleing.
20. Clothing to let you have your own style.

Headed up the Florida Keys.

Last week in Key West we rented a car and headed out of Key West for some un-finished bucket list goals TO ACCOMPLISH!
1. Theater of the Seas
2. TARPON Feeding!
3. Lunch at Robbie's
4. Fried Key Lime Pie
Done. Done. Done. and DONE!
Way fun day. If you have never Fed Tarpon fish. DOO ITT! Its NUTS.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

August 10, 2011

Do you ever get lost in your thoughts of what a "perfect" day is to you?
I feel that thoughts of a perfect day can change based on where you are at in life.
Age. Location. Friends. Job. Family. Weather.
Today may have been that "Perfect" day for me based on my souroundings right now.
Jenessa, Lou, Christopher, and I all hung out tonight.
Christopher is in the United States Coast Guard. He definantly holds a very big position. He deals with alot of Radar Screens and things like that. 
Chris took us onto the navy base to go to a pier that overlooks the ocean and just has amazing views all the way around! We pull up and there was one of the Coast Guard SHIPS docked at the pier!
The ship had recently pulled in a few days ago from being out at sea for a period of time. Best part of it all. Chris was able to take us on the SHIP and show us around! It was NUTS! It is not Chris's ship he normally goes out on but he has gone out on it before. It was litterally the coolest thing ever! 
We got to go to the top, up and down tiny little hallways, the man control center in the front where the Captain sits, we got to stand out on some of the lookout stands. 
We also had the opportunity to watch them lower the American Flag on the ship... the flag gets lowered on all the ships at sunset, and again get raised at 8 A.M. every morning
It was amazing. 
I never expected to see what i did. 
To even get a little glimps of what it means to be in the Coast Guard makes me soo grateful for the Men and Woman that hold those positions. 
Ill remember those moments. Forever
Laatter... after we had left the peir it started raining SOO bad! Buckets of water everywhere. 
What do you think we did!??
We HAD to run around in it! We went to a baseball Field/ Soccer field and off in the rain we went! We were Soaked. Head to Toe. After having some fun in the rain we then went home switched into some dry clothes and made some yesss... Banana Pancakes! ( Playing some Jackie Johnson )

Good. Good. Day!